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The correspondence table between municipalities and centres for economic development, transport and the environment (ELY Centres) in 2021

Municipalities 2021 ---> ---> Centres for economic development, transport and the environment (ELY Centres) 2021Division
020 Akaa05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
005 Alajärvi11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
009 Alavieska13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
010 Alavus11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
016 Asikkala04 Häme ELY Centre
018 Askola01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
019 Aura02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
035 Brändö16 Åland
043 Eckerö16 Åland
046 Enonkoski07 South Savo ELY Centre
047 Enontekiö15 Lapland ELY Centre
049 Espoo01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
050 Eura03 Satakunta ELY Centre
051 Eurajoki03 Satakunta ELY Centre
052 Evijärvi11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
060 Finström16 Åland
061 Forssa04 Häme ELY Centre
062 Föglö16 Åland
065 Geta16 Åland
069 Haapajärvi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
071 Haapavesi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
072 Hailuoto13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
074 Halsua12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
075 Hamina06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
076 Hammarland16 Åland
077 Hankasalmi10 Central Finland ELY Centre
078 Hanko01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
079 Harjavalta03 Satakunta ELY Centre
081 Hartola04 Häme ELY Centre
082 Hattula04 Häme ELY Centre
086 Hausjärvi04 Häme ELY Centre
111 Heinola04 Häme ELY Centre
090 Heinävesi09 North Karelia ELY Centre
091 Helsinki01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
097 Hirvensalmi07 South Savo ELY Centre
098 Hollola04 Häme ELY Centre
102 Huittinen03 Satakunta ELY Centre
103 Humppila04 Häme ELY Centre
105 Hyrynsalmi14 Kainuu ELY Centre
106 Hyvinkää01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
108 Hämeenkyrö05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
109 Hämeenlinna04 Häme ELY Centre
139 Ii13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
140 Iisalmi08 North Savo ELY Centre
142 Iitti04 Häme ELY Centre
143 Ikaalinen05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
145 Ilmajoki11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
146 Ilomantsi09 North Karelia ELY Centre
153 Imatra06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
148 Inari15 Lapland ELY Centre
149 Ingå01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
151 Isojoki11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
152 Isokyrö11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
165 Janakkala04 Häme ELY Centre
167 Joensuu09 North Karelia ELY Centre
169 Jokioinen04 Häme ELY Centre
170 Jomala16 Åland
171 Joroinen08 North Savo ELY Centre
172 Joutsa10 Central Finland ELY Centre
176 Juuka09 North Karelia ELY Centre
177 Juupajoki05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
178 Juva07 South Savo ELY Centre
179 Jyväskylä10 Central Finland ELY Centre
181 Jämijärvi03 Satakunta ELY Centre
182 Jämsä10 Central Finland ELY Centre
186 Järvenpää01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
202 Kaarina02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
204 Kaavi08 North Savo ELY Centre
205 Kajaani14 Kainuu ELY Centre
208 Kalajoki13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
211 Kangasala05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
213 Kangasniemi07 South Savo ELY Centre
214 Kankaanpää03 Satakunta ELY Centre
216 Kannonkoski10 Central Finland ELY Centre
217 Kannus12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
218 Karijoki11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
224 Karkkila01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
226 Karstula10 Central Finland ELY Centre
230 Karvia03 Satakunta ELY Centre
231 Kaskinen12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
232 Kauhajoki11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
233 Kauhava11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
235 Kauniainen01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
236 Kaustinen12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
239 Keitele08 North Savo ELY Centre
240 Kemi15 Lapland ELY Centre
320 Kemijärvi15 Lapland ELY Centre
241 Keminmaa15 Lapland ELY Centre
322 Kimitoön02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
244 Kempele13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
245 Kerava01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
249 Keuruu10 Central Finland ELY Centre
250 Kihniö05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
256 Kinnula10 Central Finland ELY Centre
257 Kirkkonummi01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
260 Kitee09 North Karelia ELY Centre
261 Kittilä15 Lapland ELY Centre
263 Kiuruvesi08 North Savo ELY Centre
265 Kivijärvi10 Central Finland ELY Centre
271 Kokemäki03 Satakunta ELY Centre
272 Kokkola12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
273 Kolari15 Lapland ELY Centre
275 Konnevesi10 Central Finland ELY Centre
276 Kontiolahti09 North Karelia ELY Centre
280 Korsnäs12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
284 Koski Tl02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
285 Kotka06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
286 Kouvola06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
287 Kristinestad12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
288 Kronoby12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
290 Kuhmo14 Kainuu ELY Centre
291 Kuhmoinen05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
295 Kumlinge16 Åland
297 Kuopio08 North Savo ELY Centre
300 Kuortane11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
301 Kurikka11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
304 Kustavi02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
305 Kuusamo13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
312 Kyyjärvi10 Central Finland ELY Centre
316 Kärkölä04 Häme ELY Centre
317 Kärsämäki13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
318 Kökar16 Åland
398 Lahti04 Häme ELY Centre
399 Laihia12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
400 Laitila02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
407 Lapinjärvi01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
402 Lapinlahti08 North Savo ELY Centre
403 Lappajärvi11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
405 Lappeenranta06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
408 Lapua11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
410 Laukaa10 Central Finland ELY Centre
416 Lemi06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
417 Lemland16 Åland
418 Lempäälä05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
420 Leppävirta08 North Savo ELY Centre
421 Lestijärvi12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
422 Lieksa09 North Karelia ELY Centre
423 Lieto02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
425 Liminka13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
426 Liperi09 North Karelia ELY Centre
444 Lohja01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
430 Loimaa02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
433 Loppi04 Häme ELY Centre
434 Loviisa01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
435 Luhanka10 Central Finland ELY Centre
436 Lumijoki13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
438 Lumparland16 Åland
440 Larsmo12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
441 Luumäki06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
475 Malax12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
478 Mariehamn16 Åland
480 Marttila02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
481 Masku02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
483 Merijärvi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
484 Merikarvia03 Satakunta ELY Centre
489 Miehikkälä06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
491 Mikkeli07 South Savo ELY Centre
494 Muhos13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
495 Multia10 Central Finland ELY Centre
498 Muonio15 Lapland ELY Centre
499 Korsholm12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
500 Muurame10 Central Finland ELY Centre
503 Mynämäki02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
504 Myrskylä01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
505 Mäntsälä01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
508 Mänttä-Vilppula05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
507 Mäntyharju07 South Savo ELY Centre
529 Naantali02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
531 Nakkila03 Satakunta ELY Centre
535 Nivala13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
536 Nokia05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
538 Nousiainen02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
541 Nurmes09 North Karelia ELY Centre
543 Nurmijärvi01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
545 Närpes12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
560 Orimattila04 Häme ELY Centre
561 Oripää02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
562 Orivesi05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
563 Oulainen13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
564 Oulu13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
309 Outokumpu09 North Karelia ELY Centre
576 Padasjoki04 Häme ELY Centre
577 Paimio02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
578 Paltamo14 Kainuu ELY Centre
445 Pargas02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
580 Parikkala06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
581 Parkano05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
599 Pedersöre12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
583 Pelkosenniemi15 Lapland ELY Centre
854 Pello15 Lapland ELY Centre
584 Perho12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
588 Pertunmaa07 South Savo ELY Centre
592 Petäjävesi10 Central Finland ELY Centre
593 Pieksämäki07 South Savo ELY Centre
595 Pielavesi08 North Savo ELY Centre
598 Jakobstad12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
601 Pihtipudas10 Central Finland ELY Centre
604 Pirkkala05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
607 Polvijärvi09 North Karelia ELY Centre
608 Pomarkku03 Satakunta ELY Centre
609 Pori03 Satakunta ELY Centre
611 Pornainen01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
638 Porvoo01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
614 Posio15 Lapland ELY Centre
615 Pudasjärvi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
616 Pukkila01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
619 Punkalaidun05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
620 Puolanka14 Kainuu ELY Centre
623 Puumala07 South Savo ELY Centre
624 Pyhtää06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
625 Pyhäjoki13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
626 Pyhäjärvi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
630 Pyhäntä13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
631 Pyhäranta02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
635 Pälkäne05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
636 Pöytyä02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
678 Raahe13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
710 Raasepori01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
680 Raisio02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
681 Rantasalmi07 South Savo ELY Centre
683 Ranua15 Lapland ELY Centre
684 Rauma03 Satakunta ELY Centre
686 Rautalampi08 North Savo ELY Centre
687 Rautavaara08 North Savo ELY Centre
689 Rautjärvi06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
691 Reisjärvi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
694 Riihimäki04 Häme ELY Centre
697 Ristijärvi14 Kainuu ELY Centre
698 Rovaniemi15 Lapland ELY Centre
700 Ruokolahti06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
702 Ruovesi05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
704 Rusko02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
707 Rääkkylä09 North Karelia ELY Centre
729 Saarijärvi10 Central Finland ELY Centre
732 Salla15 Lapland ELY Centre
734 Salo02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
736 Saltvik16 Åland
790 Sastamala05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
738 Sauvo02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
739 Savitaipale06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
740 Savonlinna07 South Savo ELY Centre
742 Savukoski15 Lapland ELY Centre
743 Seinäjoki11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
746 Sievi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
747 Siikainen03 Satakunta ELY Centre
748 Siikajoki13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
791 Siikalatva13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
749 Siilinjärvi08 North Savo ELY Centre
751 Simo15 Lapland ELY Centre
753 Sipoo01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
755 Siuntio01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
758 Sodankylä15 Lapland ELY Centre
759 Soini11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
761 Somero02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
762 Sonkajärvi08 North Savo ELY Centre
765 Sotkamo14 Kainuu ELY Centre
766 Sottunga16 Åland
768 Sulkava07 South Savo ELY Centre
771 Sund16 Åland
777 Suomussalmi14 Kainuu ELY Centre
778 Suonenjoki08 North Savo ELY Centre
781 Sysmä04 Häme ELY Centre
783 Säkylä03 Satakunta ELY Centre
831 Taipalsaari06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
832 Taivalkoski13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
833 Taivassalo02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
834 Tammela04 Häme ELY Centre
837 Tampere05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
844 Tervo08 North Savo ELY Centre
845 Tervola15 Lapland ELY Centre
846 Teuva11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
848 Tohmajärvi09 North Karelia ELY Centre
849 Toholampi12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
850 Toivakka10 Central Finland ELY Centre
851 Tornio15 Lapland ELY Centre
853 Turku02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
857 Tuusniemi08 North Savo ELY Centre
858 Tuusula01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
859 Tyrnävä13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
886 Ulvila03 Satakunta ELY Centre
887 Urjala05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
889 Utajärvi13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
890 Utsjoki15 Lapland ELY Centre
892 Uurainen10 Central Finland ELY Centre
893 Nykarleby12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
895 Uusikaupunki02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
785 Vaala13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
905 Vaasa12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
908 Valkeakoski05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
092 Vantaa01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
915 Varkaus08 North Savo ELY Centre
918 Vehmaa02 Southwest Finland ELY Centre
921 Vesanto08 North Savo ELY Centre
922 Vesilahti05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
924 Veteli12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
925 Vieremä08 North Savo ELY Centre
927 Vihti01 Uusimaa ELY Centre
931 Viitasaari10 Central Finland ELY Centre
934 Vimpeli11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
935 Virolahti06 Southeast Finland ELY Centre
936 Virrat05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
941 Vårdö16 Åland
946 Vöyri12 Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
976 Ylitornio15 Lapland ELY Centre
977 Ylivieska13 North Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
980 Ylöjärvi05 Pirkanmaa ELY Centre
981 Ypäjä04 Häme ELY Centre
989 Ähtäri11 South Ostrobothnia ELY Centre
992 Äänekoski10 Central Finland ELY Centre