Changes were made to the Classification of Buildings 2018, which intend to make the classification more up-to-date and specify it, as well as describe the content of the categories. The new Classification of Buildings has a description written for each category.
Section J Industrial buildings of the 1994 Classification of Buildings was divided into three different sections. In addition, the name of the section was changed into the form Industrial and mining and quarrying buildings, because industrial production buildings and mining buildings are separated from each other.
New sections are Energy supply buildings and Public utility buildings. Energy supply buildings are production buildings of renewable and non-renewable energy, as well as buildings for energy transfer and energy storage buildings. Public utility buildings are water intake, water treatment and water distribution buildings, waste collection, waste treatment and waste storage buildings, and material recycling buildings.
The coding of the Classification of Buildings was also changed. In the new classification, sections are indicated with two digits, while the old classification used characters. The actual classification level code now has four digits, while in the old classification there were three digits. The coding was changed so that there would not be situations where one classification level code would have a different meaning in the new and old Classification of Buildings.