Tilastokeskuksen etusivulle

Environmental Operating Expenditure in Finnish Industry, 1992-2000

  • Statistical methods have changed. Therefore the figures by industrial sector for 1998 and 1999 cannot be compared with earlier data.
  • FIM-denominated values have been converted to euro at the fixed conversion rate of EUR 1 = FIM 5,94573.
  • Waste management includes soil and groundwater protection.

Environmental operating expenditure by industrial sector, 1992-2000 (1000 euro)

  1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

1998 1999 2000
Energy and water supply 25 747 35 471 32 847 33 678 35 287 39 167 : 34 893 36 990 35 265
Forest industry 53 274 60 653 74 295 75 986 79 915 96 603 : 103 577 102 259 107 870
Chemical and mineral industry 55 777 71 357 53 004 62 325 72 930 82 473 : 80 093 95 685 108 478
Metal industry 39 761 45 851 49 550 52 504 55 893 53 961 : 75 118 78 241 82 305
Other industry 53 304 40 632 40 991 40 432 42 702 52 395 : 52 311 44 521 57 357
Total  227 863  253 964  250 686  264 924  286 725  324 599  345 992  357 695 391 275


Environmental operating expenditure in industry, 1992-2000


Environmental running and maintenance expenditure by industry, 1992-2000 (1000 euro)

  1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

1998 1999 2000
Energy and water supply 17 865 26 080 24 182 23 612 24 885 32 444 : 21 633 20 955 21 166
Forest industry 44 264 49 609 61 811 67 212 73 443 87 083 : 90 429 88 332 92 501
Chemical and mineral industry 47 593 63 183 45 913 54 596 67 476 76 333 : 73 040 87 719 95 631
Metal industry 36 144 40 857 44 150 48 003 50 992 48 791 : 67 661 70 853 75 354
Other industry 51 500 38 631 38 943 37 587 40 223 49 209 : 46 682 39 924 51 734
Total  197 366  218 360  214 998  231 011  257 018  293 862

 299 445  307 783 336 386


Environmental running and maintenance expenditure by environmental domain, 1992-2000 (1000 euro)

Year Air Water Waste Other Total
1992 36 856 100 281 58 251 1 979 197 366
1993 55 708 102 984 58 874 793 218 360
1994 45 328 103 833 61 321 4 516 214 998
1995 51 813 109 597 64 640 4 960 231 011
1996 59 100 120 554 73 305 4 059 257 018
1997 66 748 135 917 87 265 3 932 293 862
1998 55 264 140 036 93 399  10 747 299 445
1999    63 748  130 511  104 212 9 312  307 783
2000 71 935 145 475 114 219 4 756 336 386


Environmental running and maintenance expenditure by domain 1992-2000


Other environmental operating expenditure by industrial sector, 1992-2000 (1000 euro)

  1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

1998 1999 2000
Energy and water supply 7 882 9 391 8 664 10 066 10 402 6 723 : 13 260 16 035 14 099
Forest industry 9 010 11 045 12 484 8 774 6 472 9 520 : 13 148 13 927 15 369
Chemical and mineral industry 8 183 8 174 7 091 7 729 5 454 6 140 : 7 053 7 965 12 847
Metal industry 3 617 4 994 5 399 4 500 4 901 5 169 : 7 457 7 388 6 951
Other industry 1 804 2 001 2 049 2 845 2 479 3 186 : 5 629 4 597 5 623
Total  30 497  35 604  35 687  33 913  29 707  30 738  46 547  49 912 54 889


Other environmental operating expenditure by item, 1992-2000 (1000 euro)

  1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
R&D 12 239 10 565 10 923 10 065 8 955 11 516 10 075 12 672 11 844
Monitoring and supervision 10 571 11 376 10 891 9 510 5 379 5 261 8 697 8 013 8 073
Environment-related administrative expenditure 3 618 5 116 5 020 7 220 8 461 10 752 15 393 16 404 18 098
Compensation and other payments 4 069 8 548 8 854 7 117 6 913 3 209 12 382 12 822 16 874
Total  30 497  35 604  35 687  33 913  29 707  30 738  46 547  49 912 54 889


Other environmental operating expenditure by item, 1992-2000


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Päivitetty 28.4.2004

Contact Information:
Eila Salomaa
E-mail: ymparisto.energia@stat.fi

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