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Classification of Environmental Protection Facilities, 1994

Protection of ambient air and climate

  • Dedusting equipment, filters (Industrial establishments equipped for the treatment of exhaust gases (per centage for NACE two digit categories; percentage of thermal electricity generation plants))
  • Air monitoring installations (Number of measurement sites by type of compound monitored; Number of measurements per year; number of mobile equipments)
    • Stationary sites in build up areas
    • Stationary sites in open areas
  • Mobile sites

Waste water treatment

  • Sewerage networks (in kilometres)
  • Waste water treatment installations (number; capacity in terms of population equivalents or COD)
    • Mechanical treatment technology
    • Biological treatment technology (excluding septic tanks)
    • Advanced treatment technology
    • Septic tanks
  • Monitoring installations (number of measurement sites; number of mobile equipments; number of measurements per year and by type of water body monitored)

Waste management

  • Facilities for the treatment of hazardous waste (number; capacity in terms of weight that can be treated by year, by type of waste as applicable)
    • Physical/chemical treatment technology
    • Thermal treatment technology
    • Biological treatment technology
    • Conditioning of radioactive wastes
  • Facilities for the treatment of other than-hazardous waste (number; capacity in terms of weight that can be treated by year, by type of waste as applicable)
    • Physical/chemical treatment technology
    • Incineration of municipal or similar wastes
    • Incineration of Industrial wastes
    • Biological treatment technology
    • Other treatment technologies
  • Facilities for the disposal of waste (number of sites)
    • Landfill for all types of waste
    • Landfill exclusively for hazardous waste
    • Containment/underground disposal
    • Other disposal installations

    Protection of soil and groundwater

    • "End-of-pipe" facilities (number)
      • Soil surface sealing including ditches and walls, drainage systems
      • Catchments for run-offs, losses, leaks
      • Improvement of underground storage and transport facilities in the interest of ground water and soil protection
      • Removal of underground storage and transport facilities in the interest of ground water and soil protection
    • Reservoir liners, reinforcement of transport systems for hazardous products and other integrated facilities (number)

    Noise abatement

    • Noise barriers: roads, railroads, airports (in kilometres)
    • Equipment for follow-up and control of noise (number of sites and measurement equipments)

    Home Page of Environment and Energy

    Päivitetty 23.4.2004

    Contact information:
    Eila Salomaa

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