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Energy Statistics 2002

Energy in Finland 2002 - Pocket edition

Total energy consumption in Finland 2001-2002

      Share in total energy consumption Annual change
  2001, TJ 2002, TJ 2001, % 2002, % 2002/2001, %
Oil 359 739 365 410 26,3 26,1 1,6
Wood fuel 265 441 284 038 19,4 20,3 7,0
Nuclear energy 238 407 233 400 17,5 16,6 -2,1
Coal 168 120 184 683 12,3 13,2 9,9
Natural gas 153 108 152 064 11,2 10,8 -0,7
Peat 85 923 88 540 6,3 6,3 3,0
Net import of electricity 35 852 42 930 2,6 3,1 19,7
Hydro power (incl. wind power) 47 116 38 470 3,4 2,7 -18,4
Other energy sources 12 476 13 121 0,9 0,9 5,2
Total 1 366 183 1 402 656 100,0 100,0 2,7

Finland's Energy Balance Sheet 2002

Energy Statistics 2002 - Contents

  1. Total Energy Consumption
  2. Comsumption of Some Fuels
  3. Electricity
  4. District Heat
  5. Energy Consumption in Transport
  6. Consumption of Energy for Space Heating
  7. Energy Consumption in Industry
  8. Energy Consumption in Other Sectors
  9. Oil Refining
  10. Imports and Exports of Energy
  11. Energy Investments
  12. Public Financing
  13. Energy Prices
  14. Energy Taxes
  15. International Energy Statistics
  16. Energy and the Emissions

Appendix 1: Energy Items in Foreign Trade Statistics 2002

1 Total Energy Consumption

  • Total Energy Consumption by Energy Source, TJ
  • Total Energy Consumption by Energy Source, ktoe
  • Total Energy Consumption by Energy Source, %
  • Total Energy Consumption of Oil Products
  • Primary Energy Sources in Finland
  • Total Energy Consumption by Sector
    • Total Energy Consumption by Sector
    • Final Energy Consumption by Sector
  • Energy Balance Sheet
    • Energy Balance Sheet 2001, TJ
    • Energy Balance Sheet 2001, ktoe
    • Energy Balance Sheet 2002, TJ
    • Energy Balance Sheet 2002, ktoe

    2 Comsumption of Some Fuels

    • Consumption of Heavy Fuel Oil
    • Consumption of Light Fuel Oil
    • Total Oil Consumption
    • Coal, Coke, Blast Furnace Gas and Coke Oven Gas
      • Consumption of Hard Coal (incl. anthracite)
      • Production and Consumption of Coke
      • Use of Blast Furnace Gas and Coke Oven Gas
    • Natural Gas Consumption
    • Use of Industrial Reaction Heat
    • Production and Consumption of Peat Fuel
    • Renewable Energy Sources
    • Wood Fuels

    3 Electricity

    • Supplies and Total Consumption of Electricity
    • Electricity Consumption
    • Electricity Generation by Energy Sources
    • Energy Sources in Electricity Generation
      • Energy Sources in Electricity Generation by Mode of Production 2001
      • Energy Sources in Electricity Generation by Mode of Production 2002
    • Electricity Generation Capacity in Peak Load Period
    • Capacity of Electricity Generation, Nominal Capacity of Production Engines at Beginning of Year
    • Maximum Power of Power Stations Capacity by Energy Source, 31 December 2002
    • Peak Power and the Highest Weekly Average Power of Total Electricity Consumption
    • Additions to the Power Plant Capacity Agreed upon and under Construction

    4 District Heat

    • Production and Consumption of District Heat
    • Fuel Consumption in Production of District Heat and Combined Production of District Heat and Electricity
    • District Heat Capacity and Connected Heat Load (31 December)


    5 Energy Consumption in Transport

    • Energy Consumption in Transport, TJ
    • Energy Consumption in Transport, ktoe


    6 Consumption of Energy for Space Heating

    • Energy Sources for Heating Residential, Commercial and Public Buildings
    • Net Effective Heating Energy of Residential, Commercial and Public Buildings
    • Energy Sources for Space Heating by Type of Building
    • Degree Days per Calendar Year


    7 Energy Consumption in Industry

    • Fuel Consumption in Industry
    • Electricity Consumption by Branch of Industry


    8 Energy Consumption in Other Sectors

    • Other Fuel Consumption
    • Energy Consumption in the Service Sector for Space and Water Heating 1998 and 1999
    • Electricity Consumption in the Service Sector 1998 and 1999


    9 Oil Refining

    • Refinery Intake and Production


    10 Imports and Exports of Energy

    • Energy Imports, Volume and Value
    • Energy Exports, Volume and Value
    • Energy Imports by Country of Origin 2002
    • Energy Exports by Recipient Country 2002


    11 Energy Investments

    • Energy Investments


    12 Public Financing

    • Public Finance for Energy Investments
    • Government Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Expediture by Source of Finance
    • Government Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Expediture by Research Area

    13 Energy Prices

    • World-Market Prices for Oil
    • Average Import Prices of Fuels and Electricity
    • Consumer Prices of Liquid Fuels
    • Consumer Prices of Hard Coal, Natural Gas and Indigenous Fuels in Heat Production
    • Electricity Prices
      • Total Price of Electricity by Type of Consumer
      • Prices of Electrical Energy
      • Prices of Transmission of Electricity
      • Spot Prices of the Nordic Power Exchange, NordPool by Price Area
    • Price of District Heating by Type of Consumer
    • Consumer Prices of Fuels in Some European Countries in December
    • Consumer Prices of Electricity in Some Countries
    • Indices Applied in Energy Contracts

    14 Energy Taxes

    • Revenues and Energy Taxes and Some Fiscal Charges and Fees
    • Excise Taxes, Value Added Taxes and Fiscal Charges and Fees Included in Consumer Prices of Some Energy Sources
    • Excise Taxes
    • Fiscal Charges and Fees Included in Consumer Prices of Some Energy Sources

    15 International Energy Statistics

    • Total Consumption of Energy in OECD Countries
    • Electricity Consumption in OECD Countries
    • Comparison of Energy Consumption in OECD Countries 2001
    • Energy Consumption by Energy Source in EU Countries 2001
    • Electricity Generation and Net Imports of Electricity in EU Countries 2001
    • Combined Heat and Power Production in EU Countries 2000
    • Renewable Energy Sources in EU Countries 2001
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions in EU Countries
      • Greenhouse Gas Emissions excluding Land-Use Change and Forestry
      • Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Fuel Combustion
      • Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Generation
    • Production and Consumption of Oil According to Region 2002
    • Consumption of Commercial Energy Sources in the World
    • World Energy Resources 1999


    16 Energy and the Emissions

    • Sulphur Dioxide Emissions from Energy Production and Consumption and from Industrial Processes
    • Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Energy Production and Consumption and from Industrial Processes
    • Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Energy Production and Consumption and from Industrial Processes
    • Particle Emissions from Energy Production and Consumption and from Industrial Processes
    • Radioactive Release from Nuclear Power Plants


    Appendix 1: Energy Items in Foreign Trade Statistics 2002

    The publication is accompanied by a CD-ROM disk and Energy in Finland 2002, the pocket energy statistics in English. The licence to use the CD-ROM is only for one person. A network licence is also obtainable and its price depends on the number of users, i.e. the number of employees in the organisation acquiring the service.


    Energy Statistics 2002 costs €60 + delivery charge. It can be ordered from Statistics Finland's Sales Services.

    Statistics Finland, Sales Services
    P.O.Box 4c
    FIN-00022 Statistics Finland
    Tel.: +358 9 1734 2011
    Fax: +358 9 1734 2500
    E-mail: myynti

    Päivitetty 19.12.2003

    Contact information:
    Minna Niininen

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