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Published: 15 June 2007

Students in curriculum-based basic vocational education numbered 125,700 in 2006

According to Statistics Finland, the number of students in curriculum-based vocational education provided by educational institutions was 125,700 in 2006.

New students numbered 49,000. The numbers of both students and new students were one per cent higher than one year previously. Fifty-four per cent of students were men.

A total of two thirds of the students were studying in the fields of technology and transport (41 per cent), welfare and health (14 per cent) and tourism, catering and economics (13 per cent).

Data on students describe the situation of 20 September.

New students and students in curriculum-based vocational education by region 2006

Location of education Curriculum-based basic vocational education in 2006
New students Students
Whole country, total 49 006 125 674
Mainland Finland 48 745 124 996
Uusimaa 9 823 24 831
Itä-Uusimaa 721 1 789
Varsinais-Suomi 3 693 9 623
Satakunta 2 212 5 866
Kanta-Häme 1 949 4 831
Pirkanmaa 4 460 11 351
Päijät-Häme 2 012 5 243
Kymenlaakso 1 704 4 427
South Karelia 1 210 2 998
Etelä-Savo 1 646 4 183
Pohjois-Savo 2 740 6 776
North Karelia 1 755 4 874
Central Finland 2 599 6 711
South Ostrobothnia 2 100 5 606
Ostrobothnia 1 831 4 548
Central Ostrobothnia 905 2 394
North Ostrobothnia 4 310 10 799
Kainuu 745 1 888
Lapland 2 330 6 258
Åland 261 678
Åland 261 678

Source: Education Statistics. Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Ms Reija Vento +358 9 1734 3279,

Director in charge: Mr Jari Tarkoma


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Last updated 15.6.2007

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Vocational education [e-publication].
ISSN=1799-1986. Students in curriculum-based vocational education 2006. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 19.9.2024].
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