This set of statistics has been discontinued.

New data are no longer produced from the statistics.

This page is archived.

New name for Statistics on income and property

Property taxation was abandoned in Finland in 2006. Because data on property are no longer available, the former Statistics on income and property had to be renamed and are now known as Statistics on taxable incomes. Apart from the data on property, the data contents of the renamed statistics are largely the same as in the former Statistics on income and property.

The absence of the data on property affects the numbers of income recipients. Previously, persons who only had taxable property were also counted as income recipients. There were approximately 131,000 persons like this in 2005. Although the number of income recipients has come down because of the discontinuation of property taxation, comparisons of, for instance, average and median incomes with earlier years have been made using figures that are comparable.

Last updated 19.2.2008

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Taxable incomes [e-publication].
Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 21.9.2024].
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