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Published: 28 September 2016

Number of jobs highest in human health and social work activities in 2014

According to Statistics Finland’s employment statistics, there were 386,000 persons working in human health and social work activities (industry Q) at the end of 2014. Industry Q also includes child day-care activities. Between 2007 and 2014, the number of jobs in human health and social work activities increased by 34,000 (9.8%). In 2014, the industry was the biggest employer, while in 2007, most jobs were found in manufacturing (industry C), 397,000. In 2014, there were 103,000 fewer jobs in manufacturing (-25.9%).

Number of jobs in human health and social work activities and in manufacturing in 2007 to 2014

Number of jobs in human health and social work activities and in manufacturing in 2007 to 2014

Seventeen per cent of jobs in human health and social work activities

Human health and social work activities (industry Q) employed 386,000 persons in 2014 (17.0% of all jobs). The second biggest industry, manufacturing (industry C) employed 294,000 persons, and the third biggest, wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (industry G) employed 269,000 persons.

Time series comparison starting from 2007 can be made with the Standard Industrial Classification 2008. In 2007 to 2014, the number of jobs in human health and social work activities grew most in absolute numbers (34,000 jobs), while in manufacturing, the number of jobs decreased most (-103,000 jobs). In all, 16,000 jobs disappeared in the industry of wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles.

In 2013 to 2014, the number of jobs increased most in administrative and support service activities (industry N) by 3,000 jobs. The decline was biggest in manufacturing, where good 8,000 jobs disappeared over the year. In human health and social work activities, the number of jobs increased by 500 during the year.

Most jobs in hospital activities

Nearly one half of jobs in human health and social work activities were in hospital activities in 2014 (industry 861, share 25.2%) and other social work activities without accommodation (industry 889, share 22.3%). Most growth since 2007 has taken place in residential care activities for the elderly and disabled (industry 873), where the number of jobs has increased by 13,000 (57.3%). Simultaneously, the number of jobs has decreased most in medical and dental practice activities (industry 862), by good 2,000 jobs (-3.3%). Changes by industry are given in Appendix table 1.

In the Standard Industrial Classification 2008, child day-care activities (industry 8891) also belong to human health and social work activities. In 2014, child day-care activities employed a total of 63,000 persons, while in 2007 the number of persons was 60,000.

The share of jobs in human health and social work activities was highest in Etelä-Savo

Measured in numbers, the jobs in human health and social work activities focused on Uusimaa, Pirkanmaa and Varsinais-Suomi. However, the share of jobs in the area varied clearly by region: In Uusimaa, the share of jobs was lowest, i.e. 13.8 per cent. The share was highest in Etelä-Savo, 21.2 per cent (Appendix table 2).

The fluctuation was bigger between municipalities than between regions: The share of human health and social work activities was lowest in Pukkila, 4.1 per cent of the jobs in the municipality. The share was highest in Muhos, where 33.3 per cent of jobs were found in human health and social work activities.

The data on industries in the employment statistics are based on the data collection for enterprises and government agencies, the inquiry on local government sector wages and salaries and data from the pension providers.

Share of jobs in human health and social work activities by municipality in 2014, %

Share of jobs in human health and social work activities by municipality in 2014, %

Source: Employment Statistics, Statistics Finland

Inquiries: Aura Pasila 029 551 3576,

Director in charge: Jari Tarkoma

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Updated 28.9.2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Employment [e-publication].
ISSN=2323-6825. Background information on unemployed persons 2014. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 20.9.2024].
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