Statistics Finland
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Flash estimate of GDP on quarter

Accelerated production of short-term macroeconomic statistics has become an ever more important goal for the European Union. To that end, Eurostat has developed a quarterly Flash estimate of GDP for the EU/Euro area. Flash GDP describing the entire EU/Euro area is published within 45 days from the end of the quarter.

Statistics Finland has produced a quarterly Flash estimate of GDP corresponding to the EU's Flash GDP. The purpose of Finland's Flash estimate of GDP is to support the data basis of the EU's Flash GDP and at the same time make it possible to follow the development of Finland's economy in relation to the corresponding economic trend data on the EU/Euro area. The data are supplied to Eurostat and released in Finland within 45 days in connection with the publication of the Monthly Indicator of GDP.

Compilation of Flash estimate of GDP


Most recent

Päivitetty 14.5.2004

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