Tilastokeskuksen etusivulle

Environmental Protection Expenditure by Finnish Industry


Accounting quidelines


General Information:

Statistics on environmental protection expenditure by Finnish industry provide a tool for decision-making and research. They facilitate comparison of the expenditure on environmental protection between different sectors of industry as well as between various sectors of the national economy.

Compiled for the calendar year, since 1992, they conform with the principles set forth in statistical legislation and guidelines issued by the EU. This is to ensure comparability with data from other European countries and the statistics compiled by international organisations.

The statistics cover industrial operations, i.e. mining and quarrying, industrial manufacture, energy supply and collection, purification and distribution of water. The industries under these four main categories are grouped according to the Finnish Standard Industrial Classification, which is based on EU standards.

Environmental Protection Expenditure by Finnish Industry contains:

  • Environmental protection investment
  • Running and maintenance expenditure related to equipment and structures
  • Expenditure on other operations, such as:
    • environmental monitoring
    • compensations paid and other similar items
    • environmental administration
    • R&D expenditure

    Investments in environment protection comprise process-integrated investments as well as so-called end-of-pipe investments. The former are defined as investments which alter the production process in such a way that the quantity of emissions relative to production volumes is reduced. End-of-pipe investments consist of cleaners and other accessories or solutions that do not significantly affect the actual production process.

    Environment protection is here defined as consisting of measures that reduce or significantly contribute to reducing the harmful effects on the physical environment surrounding the industrial plant or establishment, for example:

    • waste management and treatment of emissions
    • prevention of emissions and waste production (which frequently requires modifications to the actual production process)
    • monitoring and control of emissions and the state of the environment
    • administration, education and information related to environment protection
    • measures undertaken to repair damage caused on the environment
    • R&D aimed at reducing the adverse effects of production on the environment.

    The statistics on environmental protection expenditure by Finnish industry are based on questionnaires sent to approximately 2000 establishments every year.

    Home Page of Environment and Energy

    Päivitetty 22.4.2004

    Contact Information:
    Eila Salomaa
    E-mail: ymparisto.energia@stat.fi

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