Tilastokeskuksen etusivulle

Environmental Protection Expenditure by Finnish Industry

Tables and figures

  • Statistical methods have changed. Therefore the figures by industrial sector for 1998 and 1999 cannot be compared with earlier data.
  • FIM-denominated values have been converted to euro at the fixed conversion rate of EUR 1 = FIM 5,94573.
  • Waste management includes soil and groundwater protection.
  • Environmental protection investment
    • Environmental protection investment in industry, 1992-2000
    • Environmental protection investment by environmental domain, 1992-2000
    • End-of-pipe and process-integrated environmental protection investments, 1992-2000
  • Environmental operating expenditure
    • Environmental operating expenditure in industry, 1992-2000
    • Environmental running and maintenance expenditure by environmental domain, 1992-2000
    • Other environmental operating expenditure by item, 1992-2000

    Home Page of Environment and Energy

    Päivitetty 28.4.2004

    Contact information:
    Eila Salomaa
    E-mail: ymparisto.energia@stat.fi

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