Adult education survey

The adult education survey is an extensive survey of post-comprehensive school education and learning among the adult population in Finland. The survey produces internationally comparable data on the participation of the adult population in education, learning, the willingness and need to participate in education, opinions and attitudes concerning studying, as well as the obstacles to participation and the adult population’s language skills.

The Adult Education Survey is part of the Adult Education Survey project of Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Communities, and it is conducted in some 30 European countries. In Finland, the survey is implemented as a joint project between Statistics Finland and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Adult Education Surveys have been conducted in Finland since 1980 at intervals of around five years.

In 2022, the data will be collected as a mixed-mode data collection, that is, as a combination of an online survey and telephone interviews.

Respond to the inquiry

This inquiry is closed.

Every response improves the reliability of the data we collect. This way we ensure that the inquiry results and compiled statistics are of high quality and give a correct picture of the studied subject.

This is how to respond

Instructions for responding

Respond online

If you have been selected as a respondent, you have received a user ID and password for the inquiry by letter. Take the identifiers and press the Start responding button above.

If you have received a text message or an email from us, you can also follow the instructions there. More detailed instructions can be found on the response form. ⁠There is no need to prepare in advance for responding.

If you want to give your response in a telephone interview

Set up a time for an interview by contacting the statistical interviewer. You can find the contact information in the letter sent to you.

Why is our interviewer trying to reach you?

We want to give all those selected to the survey the opportunity to take part. If we have not received your response online and you have not tried to set up a time for an interview, our statistical interviewer will try to reach you.

Your response is needed for producing statistics.

Do you need help?

Assistance with responding

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What are the data used for?

Future due dates

No future due dates

Data protection, rights and obligations

All data collected for statistical purposes are confidential. When processing data, it is seen to that no person's privacy or business or professional secret are endangered. Every person employed by Statistics Finland has signed a pledge of secrecy.

Data protection