Price list and orders


Order the Grid Database by email. Include details of your order (grid size, purpose of use (basic/commercial use) and the number of licenses needed). We will send you an agreement to sign.

You can also ask for additional information and prices for selections or order a demo material of the Grid Database.

Price list

Licence prices for use according to the basic terms of use are as follows:

Number of licences Grid size
250 m x 250 m 1 km x 1 km 5 km x 5 km
1 EUR 4,800 EUR 3,440 EUR 1,720
2-4 EUR 8,300 EUR 5,950 EUR 2,970
5-9 EUR 12,700 EUR 9,100 EUR 4,550
10 or more according to the agreement

All prices are exclusive of VAT (25,5%).

The number of licenses required is determined by the number of users in the organisation who simultaneously use the original data. Persons who make use of reports, applications or the like produced from the original material are not considered users.

Selections from certain areas or data groups can also be ordered from the Grid Database. The prices are then calculated separately. Ask for a cost estimate by email.

Prices for other use than that following the basic terms of use (e.g. commercial use) are calculated separately. As a rule, double the price is charged for material coming into commercial use.

Updating discount is 15 % from the list price for the holders of the previous year's version.

When two grid sizes are ordered together (the entire Grid Database), the discount is 50% of the price of the database for the bigger grid size.

Purpose and terms of use

Basic use

The Grid Database is used within one's own organisation. The original data or parts of it cannot be resold or released to a third party.

Commercial use

The data in the Grid Database are used in assignments, reports or projects produced for a third party. The original data or parts of it cannot however be resold or released to a third party.

Statistics Finland's general delivery terms