Surveys and data collections

Statistics Finland collects data for the compilation of statistics with inquiries and data collections. However, we only ask for data when they are not available from existing public administration registers. 

By participating in our inquiries and responding to our data collections you help us produce high-quality statistics to support decision-making, research and social debate.

Responding is safe

We ensure the data protection of respondents
You can make sure that the interviewer works at Statistics Finland

Respondents' contact information and contact

From where do we get the contact information of individual respondents?
Why do we sometimes try to contact individual respondents through other persons?
From where do we get the contact information of enterprises and corporations?
I got an automatic phone call about unanswered questions. Did the call come from Statistics Finland?

Data collections from enterprises and corporations mandate in enterprise data collections
In which data collections is our enterprise included?
Exemption from the obligation to provide data
Delivery of data to Statistics Finland
Web scraping
Classification service for data collections from enterprises