Classification of Sectors 2023

S.125 Other financial intermediaries

Regarding financial intermediaries, it is typical that financial instruments on both the asset and liability side of their balance sheet are traded on the open market. Sector S.125 consists of corporations and quasi-corporations that engage in financial intermediation by incurring liabilities in forms other than currency, deposits or investment fund shares. Financial intermediaries in sector S.125 are principally engaged in long-term financing, which distinguishes this sector from units classified in the monetary financial institutions sub-sector (S.122). Insurance corporations (S.128) and pension funds (S.129) are not included in this sector.

Examples of units belonging to sector S.125:
• Financial vehicle corporations (FCV) engaged in securitisation transactions if they are independent institutional units;
• Security and derivative dealers that trade on their own account if they are independent institutional units;
• Financial corporations engaged in lending, such as those providing factoring, hire purchase and financial leasing services (if they are not credit institutions (S.122);
• Specialised financial corporations such as venture and development capital companies, export/import financing companies.

Other financial intermediaries are divided into sub-sectors. [0]
