
Search results 4827

Maintenance cost

... service, electricity, heating, water consumption and waste management costs. Statistics using the definition Index of real estate maintenance costs Validity of the definition Valid until (31 December ...

Ground heat

... pipework. Heat extracted from water bodies is also included in ground heat in this examination. The electricity consumed by ground heat pumps is not included in ground heat ...


... railway, road and inland water passenger and freight transport and support activities for them. In addition, transport comprises postal and courier services. Statistics using the definition International ...

Vessel’s deadweight (dwt)

... s cargo, fuel, water supplies, stores and people according to the Plimsoll line, i.e. the vessel’s carrying power. Statistics using the definition Merchant fleet ...


... the sludge from waste water treatment plants is regarded as waste in statistics. Statistics using the definition Waste statistics Validity of the definition Valid until (31 December 2078) ...

Network connection

... - sewage - running water - electricity - natural gas. Statistics using the definition Dwellings and housing conditions Dwelling stock Building stock Buildings and free-time residences Population censuses ...

Waste statistics

... waste products , waste water . Statistics by keywords >>> Change: Waste statistics databases are updated after the 15 June 2017 publication 15 Jun 2017 Database tables are ...