
Search results 4827

Consumption of heating energy in residential buildings

... with heating of domestic water, saunas, ventilation and heat distribution. In these statistics, supplementary heating is referred to as additional heating. Some of the electricity used by ...

Innovation survey

... and air conditioning supply, water supply and waste management, and in selected service industries. Data are collected from all enterprises employing at least 250 persons and a sample ...

Inquiry for industrial establishments

... as electricity, gas and water supply and sewerage and waste management. The European Union's regulations require the collection of the data on the activities of industrial establishments ...


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Methane (CH4)

... such as manure, waste water sludge or biodegradable waste is fermented under anaerobic conditions. Methane emissions from landfill sites are the most important single source of CH4. Validity ...

Materials and supplies

... ancillary materials (lubricants, water etc.). Materials and supplies exclude office supplies and packaging. Statistics using the definition Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity Validity of the definition ...

Energy consumption in households

... heating of spaces, domestic water and sauna, as well as household appliances. Consumption of heating energy in spaces is presented in the statistics according to type of building ...