
Search results 4827

Concepts and definitions

... emissions from land, water and air transport and from Finnish fishing vessels operating abroad. The emissions by foreign citizens from land, water and air transport on Finnish ...

Investments in fixed assets

... assets include land and water areas, land and water constructions, buildings and constructions, machinery and equipment as well as other tangible fixed assets. Buildings and structures as ...

Environmental protection expenditure in industry

... waste management and waste water charges, costs from the protection of soil, surface water and groundwater, as well as from the protection of ambient air and climate. ...

Tangible assets

... Tangible assets include land, water and forest areas (unbuilt), buildings and other real estate, as well as machinery and equipment, and other tangible assets. The real ...

Heating system

... - central heating, water - central heating, air - direct electric heating - stove heating - no fixed heating installation - unknown. In a water central heating ...