The concepts described on these pages are words and expressions used in statistics with a specific, limited meaning. In everyday speech the word may have a different meaning. In connection with each definition you can find information about which sets of statistics use the concept.
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A family consists of a married or cohabiting couple or persons in a registered partnership and their children living together; or either of the parents and his or her children living together; or a married or cohabiting couple and persons in a registered partnership without children.
Starting from 1 March 2002, same-sex couples have been able to register their partnerships. By the amendment to the Marriage Act, same-sex persons have been able to enter into marriage starting from 1 March 2017. At the same time, registration of partnerships was abolished. Along with the amendment, persons in a registered partnership can change their partnership into a marriage by making a joint notification concerning it to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
See family type, version 2.
Persons living in the household-dwelling unit who are not members of the nuclear family are not included in the family population, even if they are related, unless they form their own family. Brothers and sisters or cousins living together are not a family and do not belong to the family population. A family can consist of no more than two successive generations. If the household-dwelling unit comprises more than two generations, the family is formed starting from the youngest generation. This means, for example, that a mother-in-law or father-in-law living with their child's family will not be included in the family population unless they live together with their spouse, in which case the old couple form their own family.
Persons living alone do not belong to the family population. Persons living together with a same-sex partner are recorded as not belonging to the family population, unless they are a married couple or in a registered partnership. Same-sex persons living together are not regarded as cohabiting couples unless there is also a common child living with them.
Families living in residential homes are included in the family population. In contrast, persons who live in institutions are not included.
A family with underage children refers to a family which has at least one child aged under 18 living at home.
Statistics using the definition
Validity of the definition
- Valid
A family consists of a married or cohabiting couple or persons in a registered partnership and their children living together; or either of the parents and his or her children living together; or a married or cohabiting couple and persons in a registered partnership without children.
Starting from 1 March 2002, same-sex couples have been able to register their partnerships. By the amendment to the Marriage Act, same-sex persons have been able to enter into marriage starting from 1 March 2017. At the same time, registration of partnerships was abolished. Along with the amendment, persons in a registered partnership can change their partnership into a marriage by making a joint notification concerning it to the local register office.
See familytype, version 2.
Persons living in the household-dwelling unit who are not members of the nuclear family are not included in the family population, even if they are related, unless they form their own family. Brothers and sisters or cousins living together are not a family and do not belong to the family population. The same applies to people who live alone or with a person of the same sex, unless they form a married couple or a registered partnership.
Families living in residential homes are included in the family population. In contrast, persons who live in institutions are not included.
A family can consist of no more than two successive generations. If the household-dwelling unit comprises more than two generations, the family is formed starting from the youngest generation. This means, for example, that a mother-in-law or father-in-law living with their child's family will not be included in the family population unless they live together with their spouse, in which case the old couple form their own family.
A family with underage children refers to a family which has at least one child aged under 18 living at home.
Validity of the definition
- 1 March 2017 - 31 December 2019
Source organisation
- Tilastokeskus
Related concepts
Source organisation
- Tilastokeskus
A family consists of a married or cohabiting couple or persons in a registered partnership and their children living together; or either of the parents and his or her children living together; or a married or cohabiting couple and persons in a registered partnership without children.
Starting from 1 March 2002, same-sex couples have been able to register their partnerships.
Persons living in the household-dwelling unit who are not members of the nuclear family are not included in the family population, even if they are related, unless they form their own family. Brothers and sisters or cousins living together are not a family and do not belong to the family population. The same applies to people who live alone or with a person of the same sex.
Families living in residential homes are included in the family population. In contrast, persons who live in institutions are not included.
A family can consist of no more than two successive generations. If the household-dwelling unit comprises more than two generations, the family is formed starting from the youngest generation. This means, for example, that a mother-in-law or father-in-law living with their child's family will not be included in the family population unless they live together with their spouse, in which case the old couple form their own family.
A family with underage children refers to a family which has at least one child aged under 18 living at home.
Statistics using the definition
Validity of the definition
- 1 March 2002 - 28 February 2017
Source organisation
- Tilastokeskus