The concepts described on these pages are words and expressions used in statistics with a specific, limited meaning. In everyday speech the word may have a different meaning. In connection with each definition you can find information about which sets of statistics use the concept.

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Kind of activity unit

A kind-of-activity unit is an enterprise or part of an enterprise that mainly operates within one industry. It is not limited to one site but includes all establishments of an enterprise that operate within a certain industry. Each enterprise has one or more kind-of-activity units. The definition of kind-of-activity unit is based on an EU regulation concerning statistical units (EEC 696/93) and on a regulation concerning Business Registers (EC 177/2008).

Statistics using the definition

Validity of the definition

  • Valid

A kind-of-activity unit is an enterprise or part of an enterprise that mainly operates within one industry. It is not limited to one site but includes all establishments of an enterprise that operate within a certain industry. Each enterprise has one or more kind-of-activity units. The definition of kind-of-activity unit is based on an EU regulation concerning statistical units (EEC 1993/696) and on a regulation concerning Business Registers (EEC 1993/2186).

Statistics using the definition

Validity of the definition

  • 1 January 1900 - 4 March 2008

Source organisation

  • EU

Source organisation

  • Tilastokeskus
