Housing and constructionPopulation and society

Over 1.5 million persons live in rented dwellings

release | Dwellings and housing conditions 2021

The number of persons living in rented dwellings exceeded 1.5 million in 2021. According to Statistics Finland, 28 per cent of the dwelling population lived in rented dwellings at the end of 2021, which is four percentage points more than in 2010. The number of persons in the dwelling population living in rented dwellings has grown by over 100,000 persons from 2018.

Key selections

  • The number of persons living in rented dwellings exceeded 1.5 million. At the end of 2021, altogether 28 per cent of the dwelling population lived in rented dwellings.
  • The number of persons in the dwelling population living in rented dwellings has grown by over 100,000 persons from 2018.
  • The number of persons living in owner-occupied dwellings was 3.7 million, which is 69 per cent of the dwelling population.
  • Fifty per cent of those living alone lived in rented dwellings and 46 per cent in owner-occupied dwellings.
  • Four out of five household-dwelling units of persons aged under 30 live in rented dwellings.

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Tenure status
  • Rooms
  • Area
  • Type of building
Classifications used:
  • Tenure status
  • Size of household-dwelling unit
  • Area
New database tables
Classifications used:
  • Area
  • Size of household-dwelling unit
  • Age of the oldest person in the household-dwelling unit
  • Tenure status

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Inquiries primarily
Service email
Mika Ronkainen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3425
Other experts
Head of Department in charge