Population and society

Finland's preliminary population figure was 5,549,184 at the end of April 2022

release | Preliminary population statistics 2022, April

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, Finland's population was 5,549,184 at the end of April. Our country's population increased by 943 persons during January-April. The reason for the increase was migration gain from abroad, since immigration exceeded emigration by 6,457. The number of births was 7,033 lower than that of deaths.

Key selections

  • Finland's preliminary population figure was 5,549,184 at the end of April.
  • Population increased by 943 persons during January-April.

During January-April, 14,510 children were born, which is 1,714 fewer than in the corresponding period in 2021. The number of deaths was 21,543, which is 2,890 higher than one year earlier.

According to the preliminary statistics for April, 10,084 persons immigrated to Finland from abroad and 3,627 persons emigrated from Finland. The number of immigrants was 233 lower and the number of emigrants 402 higher than in the corresponding period of the previous year. In all, 1,960 of the immigrants and 2,386 of the emigrants were Finnish citizens.

According to the preliminary data, the number of inter-municipal migrations totalled 78,800 during January-April. Compared with the corresponding period in 2021, the decrease was 3,625 migrations according to the municipal division of 2022.


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Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurrence 2022M01*-2022M04*

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