Number of recorded means of payment frauds grew by 85 per cent in January to September 2022

Release related to topics:Population and society
release | Statistics on offences and coercive measures 2022, 3rd quarter

According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, a total of 353,800 offences against the Criminal Code were recorded by the police, customs and border guard during January to September 2022. This is 2.8 per cent lower than in the corresponding period of the year before. The number of means of payment frauds increased by 85 per cent

Key selections

  • Recorded offences against life numbered 56, which is three cases more than in the year before.
  • The recorded number of sexual abuses of a child was 1,804. This is 20.8 per cent more than in the year before.
  • A total of 1,241 rapes were reported, which is 10.8 per cent fewer than in the year before.
  • The number of break-ins into houses and free-time residences reported was 2,710. This is 5.8 per cent fewer than in the year before.

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Municipality
  • Offence group and specifier for criminal act
Classifications used:
  • Reports of offences and fines
  • Offence group and specifier for criminal act
  • Authority
Classifications used:
  • Offence group and specifier for criminal act
  • Reports of offences and fines
  • Wellbeing services county
Classifications used:
  • Offence group and specifier for criminal act

Future releases


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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Statistics on offences and coercive measures [online publication].
Reference period: 2022, 3rd quarter. ISSN=2342-9178. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 19.9.2024].
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Service email
Kimmo Haapakangas
Senior Statistician
029 551 3252

Head of Department in charge

Hannele Orjala
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3582