Median earnings of hourly-paid employees EUR 16.8 in the private sector in 2021
Release related to topics:Work, wages and livelihood
release | Private sector hourly wages 2021According to Statistics Finland, the median earnings for regular working hours of hourly-paid employees in the private sector were EUR 16.8 per hour in the last quarter of 2021. Men’s average earnings were EUR 17.3 and women’s EUR 14.0 per hour. In 2021, the average total earnings of private sector hourly-paid employees, including overtime compensations, were EUR 18.2 per hour, EUR 18.8 for men and EUR 15.4 for women.
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Key selections
- The median of earnings for regular working hours of hourly-paid employees in the private sector was EUR 16.8 and the average EUR 17.2 per hour.
- The median for total earnings was EUR 17.5 and the average EUR 18.2 per hour.
- The median earnings for regular working hours were EUR 14.7 for women and EUR 17,7 for men.
- Total earnings were under EUR 12.7 per hour for 10 per cent of wage and salary earners and 10 per cent earned over EUR 24.1 per hour.
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Go to documentation of the statisticsReferencing instructions
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Private sector hourly wages [online publication].
Reference period: 2021. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 25.3.2025].
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