Housing and constructionEnterprises

EUR 3.8 billion used on renovating non-residential buildings in 2022

release | Renovation building 2022


New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the renovation building statistics.
Read more about the change

According to Statistics Finland, EUR 3.8 billion was spent on renovating non-residential buildings in 2022. Compared to the previous year, the value of non-residential building renovations went down by 6.0 per cent. Service buildings were renovated most, to the tune of EUR 1.6 billion.

Key selections

  • A sample survey was conducted to examine renovations of service buildings in 2022.
  • The renovations of industrial and warehouse buildings, as well as commercial and office buildings, were estimated with the help of granted renovation and expansion permits.
  • The value of renovations of service buildings decreased by 2.7 per cent compared to the previous year.


New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the renovation building statistics.
Read more about the change

Database tables

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New database tables
Classifications used:
  • Use of the building
  • Korjaustyyppi
Classifications used:
  • Use of the building
Removed database tables

Future releases

Background information

Referencing instructions

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Jose Lahtinen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3776
Other experts
Head of Department in charge