
Number of business restructuring petitions concluded was 333 in 2022

release | Bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings 2022

According to Statistics Finland's data, district courts concluded 333 business restructuring petitions during 2022. This is 23 business restructuring petitions fewer than in 2021. Of the petitions for restructuring proceedings, the payment schedule was confirmed in 104 cases.

Key selections

  • The payment schedule of the petitions for restructuring proceedings was confirmed in 104 cases, which is 35 more than one year earlier.
  • In 2022, the commonest reasons for interruption were an order for the termination of the proceedings, which was the reason in 98 cases, and rejection of the application, which was the reason in 53 cases.
  • Sixty of the confirmed restructuring programmes were confirmed within less than 12 months and in 44 cases the procedure lasted over one year.

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