Transport and tourism

Volume of goods transported by lorries decresed in the third quarter of 2023

release | Goods transport by road 2023, 3rd quarter

According to Statistics Finland, a total of 64 million tonnes of goods were transported by lorries in domestic road transport in the third quarter of 2023. Compared to the previous year, the volume of transported goods decreased by 10 %. The transport performance decreased by 16 % and was 6,4 billion tonne-kilometers.

Key selections

  • The volume of goods transported in domestic road transport was 64 million tonnes in the third quarter of 2023.
  • The transport performance of road transport decreased by 16 % from the third quarter of 2022.
  • The share of transported soil materials made up 30 per cent of the volume of goods transported in road transport and 10 per cent of the transport performance.
  • Of the transport volume, 96 per cent was transported in professional transport and four per cent in private transport.

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Classifications used:
  • Type of vehicle use
  • Transport of soil material

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Inquiries primarily
Ville Keränen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3609
Head of Department in charge