More time spent in front of screens in 2021 than ever before

Review related to topics:Culture, media and time use
review | Time use 10.10.2021

According to Statistics Finland's data, Finns spent an average of 4 hours and 26 minutes per day in front of various screens during the corona pandemic. The data are based on the data collection for the Time Use Survey that was carried out between September 2020 and 2021. The survey covers the use of media by the population aged over 10 without an upper age limit.

The screen time was longest for those aged 15 to 24, an average of five hours 46 minutes per day and shortest for those aged 10 to 14, an average of three hours 50 minutes per day. Daily screen time here refers to all activity in connection with which a screen, such as a TV receiver, smartphone, computer, tablet, game console or e-book reader has been used.

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Time use [online publication].
Reference period: 10.10.2021. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 26.3.2025].
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029 551 3666

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029 551 2946

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