Environment and natureEnterprises

Weight of the environmental goods and services sector continued to grow in 2022

release | Environmental goods and services sector 2022

According to Statistics Finland, the turnover of the environmental goods and services sector was EUR 54 billion in 2022. The turnover of manufacturing from the environmental goods and services sector was EUR 21.7 billion. It grew by 33 per cent from the previous year, which boosted the growth of the entire environmental goods and services sector. The turnover of the second biggest industry in the environmental goods and services sector, construction, grew by 27 per cent.

Key selections

  • The turnover of the environmental goods and services sector grew by 26 per cent from the previous year.
  • Manufacturing and construction boosted growth.
  • The value added of the environmental goods and services sector was eight per cent of the value added of the entire national economy.

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Classifications used:
  • Industry
  • Environmental goods and services class

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Inquiries primarily
Nina Hiltunen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3089
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Head of Department in charge