Output of the national economy grew in March 2023

Release related to topics:National economy
release | Trend indicator of output 2023, March

According to Statistics Finland, output adjusted for working days grew in March 2023 by 1.7 per cent from one year ago. Seasonally adjusted output grew by 1.0 per cent in March from the month before. According to revised data, working day adjusted output grew in February 2023 by 0.1 per cent (previously 0.4%) from February last year. Working day adjusted primary production decreased by around 7.6 per cent. Secondary production grew by about 0.6 per cent and services by around 2.4 per cent from March 2022.

Key selections

  • In March 2023, output adjusted for working days grew by 1.7 per cent from one year ago.
  • Seasonally adjusted GDP is estimated to have grown in the first quarter of 2023 by around 1.1 per cent from the previous quarter.
  • The number of employed persons is estimated to have grown by 0.9 per cent from the previous quarter.
  • The number of hours worked is estimated to have increased by 1.4 per cent from the quarter before.


See key statistical data in the figures.

Annual change in volume of the working day adjusted series, %

Data revisions

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Classifications used:
  • Industry

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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Trend indicator of output [online publication].
Reference period: 2023, March. ISSN=1798-5439. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 26.9.2024].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Eljas Tuomaala
Senior Statistician
029 551 2723

Other experts

Eveliina Heinänen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3436
Antti Kosunen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3613

Head of Department in charge

Katri Kaaja
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3488