Education and research

Share of children having participated in early childhood education and care grew in 2022

release | Early childhood education and care 2022


New database tables published on early childhood education and care statistics.
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According to Statistics Finland, 234,300 children took part in early childhood education and care in 2022. Forty per cent of children under the age of three and 89 per cent of children between the ages of three and five participated in early childhood education and care, that is, centre-based early education and family-based day care. The share of children aged under three having participated in early childhood education and care grew by four percentage points and that of children aged three to five by three percentage points from the year before.

Key selections

  • The share of children participating in early childhood education and care in the age group has grown. In 2022, altogether 40 per cent of children aged under three and 89 per cent of those aged three to five were in early childhood education and care. The corresponding shares were 30 and 79 per cent in 2015.
  • Participation in early childhood education and care becomes the more common the older the children are. Ninety-one per cent of children aged five, 90 per cent of children aged four and 86 per cent of three-year-old children were in early childhood education and care.
  • Twelve per cent of children in early childhood education were foreign-language speakers, seven per cent were foreign citizens and 13 per cent were of foreign background.


New database tables published on early childhood education and care statistics.
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Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Gender
  • Form in which early childhood education and care is organised
  • Type of ECEC activity
  • Full-day early childhood education and care
  • Age
Classifications used:
  • Area
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Type of ECEC activity

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Inquiries primarily
Mika Tuononen
Development Manager
029 551 3504
Other experts
Head of Department in charge