Producer prices for manufactured products fell by 6.5 per cent in May 2023 year-on-year

Release related to topics:Prices and consumption
release | Producer price indices 2023, May

According to Statistics Finland, producer prices for manufactured products fell by an average of 6.5 per cent from May 2022 to May 2023. The producer prices of manufactured products sold on the domestic market fell by 4.1 per cent, while the producer prices of export products went down by 8.7 per cent.

Key selections

  • Producer prices for manufactured products fell by an average of 6.5 per cent from May 2022 to May 2023.
  • The decrease in the producer prices for manufactured products was particularly caused by the decrease in the prices of oil products, basic metals, and electricity compared to last year's May. The fall in prices was curbed especially by the increase in prices of food products, and machinery and equipment from a year ago.
  • The export price index fell by 8.6 per cent and the import price index by 9.5 per cent in a year.
  • The basic price index for domestic supply went down by 3.3 per cent and the basic price index for domestic supply including taxes fell by 3.7 per cent.

Product groups affecting the changes in indices

The decrease in the producer prices for manufactured products was particularly caused by the decrease in the prices of oil products, basic metals, and electricity compared to last year's May. The fall in prices was curbed especially by the increase in prices of food products, and machinery and equipment from a year ago.

The export price index went down by 8.6 per cent and the import price index by 9.5 per cent in a year. The basic price index for domestic supply went down by 3.3 per cent. The basic price index for domestic supply including taxes fell by 3.7 per cent.

The decrease in the export price index was especially due to lower prices of basic metals, oil products, and chemicals and chemical products compared to last year’s May. The fall in prices was curbed especially by the increase in prices of machinery and equipment, and electrical equipment. The decrease in the import price index was, in turn, especially caused by lower prices of crude oil, basic metals and natural gas. The fall in prices was curbed especially by the increase in prices of food products, and machinery and equipment.

From April to May, producer prices for manufactured products went down by 2.1 per cent. Producer prices fell especially due to fallen prices of electricity and oil products compared with the previous month.


See key statistical data in the tables.

Producer price index for manufactured products 2015=100, 2023M05, Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG)

Export price index 2015=100, 2023M05, Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG)

Import price index 2015=100, 2023M05, Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG)

Basic price index for domestic supply 2015=100, 2023M05, Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG)

Basic price index for domestic supply, including taxes 2015=100, 2023M05, Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG)

Producer price indices 1949=100, 2023M05, Industry (ISIC, SITC)

Basic price index for domestic supply E40 2000=100, 2023M05, (NACE-TOL 2002)

Wood pellet, consumer price 2015=100, 2023M05

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Products by activity (CPA 2015, MIG)
  • Index series
Classifications used:
  • Industry (NACE, MIG)
  • Index series
Classifications used:
  • Industry (NACE, MIG)
  • Index series
Classifications used:
  • Industry (ISIC, SITC)
  • Index series

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Referencing instructions

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Producer price indices [online publication].
Reference period: 2023, May. ISSN=1799-3695. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 26.9.2024].
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Anna-Riikka Pitkänen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3466
Valtteri Kimmo
Undergraduate Trainee
029 551 3733

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Katri Kaaja
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3488