National economy

Accrued pension entitlements stood at EUR 838 billion at the end of 2020

release | Financial accounts 2020


Table of the publication on Financial accounts 2020, corrected.
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According to Statistics Finland, the accrued pension entitlements of Finland’s statutory earnings-related pension scheme stood at EUR 837.7 billion at the end of 2020 with a real discount rate assumption of two per cent, or 352 per cent relative to gross domestic product. From 2019, pension entitlements grew by EUR 15.9 billion. The pension entitlements of the earnings-related pension scheme of private branches were EUR 571.5 billion and those of public branches were EUR 266.2 billion.

Key selections

  • The accrued pension entitlements of the Finnish earnings-related pension scheme stood at EUR 837.7 billion at the end of 2020.
  • The pension entitlements of private branches were EUR 571.5 billion and those of public branches were EUR 266.2 billion.
  • From 2019, pension entitlements grew by EUR 15.9 billion.


See key statistical data in the tables.

Pension entitlements in the end of 2020

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  • Pension scheme

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029 551 3932
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