Statistics on price index of public expenditure are renewed: Changes to the calculation of the price index of Local government finances

Date of change:

Statistcs: Price index of public expenditure

Information about the change

As of 1 January 2023, the arrangement of healthcare, social welfare and rescue services was transferred from municipalities and joint municipal authorities to wellbeing services counties.
An exception is the City of Helsinki, which arranges its wellbeing services.

These changes are taken into account in the calculation of the price index of public expenditure. Since January 2023, the expenditure on healthcare, social welfare and rescue services has been removed from the price index of basic municipal services (KUPHI) and the sub-indices of local government finances. Statistics Finland publishes indices adjusted for
the expenditure on healthcare, social welfare and rescue services from the price index of basic municipal services and the indices of local government finances.

The change in central government transfers is noticed in the price index of public expenditure as a name change in expenditure item 2.1 Current transfers to municipalities and joint municipal authorities and to wellbeing services counties. The price indicators used in the price monitoring of these current transfers were updated due to the change.

Further information

Pentti Wanhatalo
Senior Statistician
029 551 2685