Supply, use and input-output tables: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived

Date of change:

New database tables and database tables to be archived

The tables are archived because the time series is not comparable with previous releases as concerns the data for 2015 to 2020 as a result of a time series revision, but the time series prior to the revision is retained in the archived tables.

new database table, identifier and name

table to be replaced and moved to the archive

11b4 Use table at purchasers prices, annually, 2015-2021

11ha Use table for imports at basic prices, annually, 2015-2021

11h8 Use table at basic prices, annually, 2015-2021

11h9 Input-output table at basic prices, annually, 2015-2021

11ha Use table for imports at basic prices, annually, 2015-2021

11hb Input coefficients for production, annually, 2015-2021

11hc Labour input and labour input coefficients for production, annually, 2015-2021

11hd Components of price for output at basic prices, annually, 2015-2021

11he Leontief inverse matrix, annually, 2015-2021

The database tables are in Finnish, Swedish and English. 

See all database tables of the statistics in the StatFin database. The database tables to be archived are available in the StatFin archive database.

Further information

Aaro P. Lappalainen
Senior Statistician
029 551 2008