Credit cards: documentation of statistics

9.2.2025 valid documentation


Active card accounts

Active card accounts include all accounts that have been used at least once during the year.

Actual credit card

Actual credit cards usually offer flexible credit for a period of at least one month and as long as several years. If a card can be used both as a charge card and as a credit card, it is classified into the group of actual credit cards.

Charge card

Charge cards usually offer interest free credit of up to two months (e.g. Visa, and customer cards provided by petroleum companies). If a card can be used both as a charge card and as a credit card, it is classified into the group of actual credit cards.

Claims in respect of credit cards

Claims of the reporting credit institution in respect of overdrafts of customers who have entered into a credit card agreement.

Claims in respect of credit cards

Claims of the reporting credit institution in respect of overdrafts of customers who have entered into a credit card agreement.

Credit card credit

The unpaid capital of actual credit card credits (extended credit card credits) and convenience credits at the end of the quarter.

Credit card debt

Unpaid portion of the credit card debt at the end of the year. Includes unpaid interests added to the debt capital by the credit card company.

Credit card debt

Unpaid portion of the credit card debt at the end of the year. Includes unpaid interests added to the debt capital by the credit card company.

General credit cards

General credit cards are usually issued by bank-owned financial companies and are accepted by nearly all retailers.

Retail credit card

Retail credit cards are accepted at designated retail outlets. Oil company cards are typical examples of special credit cards.