Government R&D funding in the state budget: documentation of statistics
Basic data of the statistics
Data description
The starting point for the statistics is to assess the objectives of the central government and ministries in supporting research and development (R&D). Estimates of research funding are based on the appropriations in budget proposals, as well as on the granting authorisations of the awarding organisation. Funding is examined by budget year rather than by year of use. Changes occurring in R&D funding between different years are also examined. The purpose of the statistics is to determine the extent and allocation of government R&D funding.
The OECD and Eurostat recommendations are observed in the compilation of the statistics. The Statistics Act (280/2004) is applied in the production of statistics on science and technology. In addition, Commission Regulation (EC) No 753/2004 requires collection of data and steers the compilation of the statistics.
Statistical population
Statistical unit
Unit of measure
Base period
Reference period
Reference area
Sector coverage
Time coverage
The date of publication of the preliminary data based on the budget proposal is February of the statistical reference year (t-10). The final data based on the approved revised budget are published in August (t+8). The preliminary data are revised later based on supplementary budgets and actual payment data. The aim is to produce a time series that is as complete as possible, and to make it available to data users as soon as possible. The final budgetary data are influenced not only by supplementary budgets but also by actual payment data.
Frequency of dissemination
R&D appropriation
Research and development activity
The five criteria for identifying R&D:
To be aimed at new findings (novel)
The aim of the R&D is to produce new knowledge and novelties. Mere application of the existing knowledge in development of new solutions, products or procedures is not R&D activity.
To be based on original, not obvious, concepts and hypotheses (creative)
Characteristic to R&D activity is creativity, setting and testing of new hypothesis and concepts. Routine activities in the development of products, processes or other procedures in not R&D activity.
To be uncertain about the final outcome (uncertain)
R&D involves uncertainty regarding outcomes and costs.
To be planned and budgeted (systematic)
R&D is conducted in a planned way, with records kept of both the process followed and the outcome. The purpose of the R&D project and the sources of funding for the R&D performed should be identified. R&D is often organized as a project, but it can also be goal-oriented activity of a person or a group.
To lead to results that could be possibly reproduced (transferable and/or reproducible)
An R&D project should result in the potential for the transfer of the new knowledge which also can be reproduced.
Distribution by type of R&D
Basic research is experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge of the underlying foundations of phenomena and observable facts, without any particular application or use in view.
Applied research is original investigation undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge. It is, however, directed primarily towards a specific, practical aim or objective.
Experimental development is systematic work, drawing on knowledge gained from research and practical experience and producing additional knowledge, which is directed to producing new products or processes or to improving existing products or processes.
Socio-economic objective
Industrial production and technology
Transport, telecommunication and other infrastructures
Exploration and exploitation of the earth
Culture, recreation, religion and mass media
Political and social systems, structures and processes
General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from other sources than GUF
General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from general university funds (GUF)
Exploration and exploitation of space
Accuracy, reliability and timeliness
Overall accuracy
Comparability - geographical
Comparability - over time
1997 University hospitals are included in the calculations.
2015 The Natural Research Institute Finland (Luke) is established following the merger of the MTT Agrifood Research Finland, the Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla), the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (RKTL) and the statistical services of the Information Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Tike).
2016 The more specific sub-categories based on the Nordforsk classification are phased out, and the statistics are now broken down according to the NABS 2007 categories.
2018 Business Finland (former Tekes) commences operation. Universities of applied sciences are separated from other funding and given their own category.
2019 The Finnish Food Authority is established following the merger of Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, Agency for Rural Affairs (Mavi) and part of the Centre for ICT Services at the National Land Survey of Finland.
2020 The definition of R&D funding for universities is based partly on actual expenditure on research in previous years and partly on the share of research expenditure in the core funding of universities. Research funding is affected by the updating of the calculation method carried out in the statistical reference year 2017 and the resulting increase in actual research expenditure. In 2020, some research funding data from research institutes are affected by the updating of the calculation methods.
2023 The research and development funding of the Academy of Finland and Business Finland will no longer include the share of research funding calculated from operating expenses.
2024 The estimated research and development funding of welfare regions added to the statistics <colgroup> <col width="241" /> </colgroup>
Coherence - cross domain
Coherence - internal
Source data and data collections
Source data
Data collection
Changes in expenditure in real terms are calculated using the price index of public expenditure produced by Statistics Finland (2010=100). The total central government expenditure and the expenditure less central government debt have been deflated using the total expenditure index. The deflator used in the case of research expenditure is the index of government consumption expenditure. The estimate of the cost increase is obtained from the Ministry of Finance.
The data to be submitted to the OECD and Eurostat for comparison purposes require accurate data on research funding in the ‘General advancement of knowledge’ category, broken down by discipline. The breakdown of the data concerning the ‘R&D funding for universities’ sub-category may be carried out after the completion of the R&D statistics (t+10), using the breakdown of expenditure by discipline in the higher education sector. The funding in the ‘General advancement of knowledge, other’ sub-category is broken down by discipline, using the Academy of Finland’s discipline-specific financial information, which is obtained from the Academy of Finland.
Frequency of data collection
Data compilation
Data validation
Principles and outlines
Contact organisation
Statistics Finland
Contact organisation unit
Legal acts and other agreements
The compilation of statistics is guided by the Statistics Act. The Statistics Act contains provisions on collection of data, processing of data and the obligation to provide data. Besides the Statistics Act, the Data Protection Act and the Act on the Openness of Government Activities are applied to processing of data when producing statistics.
Statistics Finland compiles statistics in line with the EU’s regulations applicable to statistics, which steer the statistical agencies of all EU Member States.
Further information: Statistical legislation
Confidentiality - policy
The data protection of data collected for statistical purposes is guaranteed in accordance with the requirements of the Statistics Act (280/2004), the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999), the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act (1050/2018). The data materials are protected at all stages of processing with the necessary physical and technical solutions. Statistics Finland has compiled detailed directions and instructions for confidential processing of the data. Employees have access only to the data essential for their duties. The premises where unit-level data are processed are not accessible to outsiders. Members of the personnel have signed a pledge of secrecy upon entering the service. Violation of data protection is punishable.
Further information: Data protection | Statistics Finland (
Confidentiality - data treatment
Release policy
Statistics Finland publishes new statistical data at 8 am on weekdays in its web service. The release times of statistics are given in advance in the release calendar available in the web service. The data are public after they have been updated in the web service.
Further information: Publication principles for statistics at Statistics Finland
Data sharing
Accessibility and clarity
Statistical data are published as database tables in the StatFin database. The database is the primary publishing site of data, and new data are updated first there. When releasing statistical data, existing database tables can be updated with new data or completely new database tables can be published.
In addition to statistical data published in the StatFin database, a release on the key data is usually published in the web service. If the release contains data concerning several reference periods (e.g. monthly and annual data), a review bringing together these data is published in the web service. Database tables updated at the time of publication are listed both in the release and in the review. In some cases, statistical data can also be published as mere database releases in the StatFin database. No release or review is published in connection with these database releases.
Releases and database tables are published in three languages, in Finnish, Swedish and English. The language versions of releases may have more limited content than in Finnish.
Information about changes in the publication schedules of releases and database tables and about corrections are given as change releases in the web service.
Data revision - policy
Revisions – i.e. improvements in the accuracy of statistical data already published – are a normal feature of statistical production and result in improved quality of statistics. The principle is that statistical data are based on the best available data and information concerning the statistical phenomenon. On the other hand, the revisions are communicated as transparently as possible in advance. Advance communication ensures that the users can prepare for the data revisions.
The reason why data in statistical releases become revised is often caused by the data becoming supplemented. Then the new, revised statistical figure is based on a wider information basis and describes the phenomenon more accurately than before.
Revisions of statistical data may also be caused by the calculation method used, such as annual benchmarking or updating of weight structures. Changes of base years and used classifications may also cause revisions to data.
Quality assessment
Quality assurance
Quality management requires comprehensive guidance of activities. The quality management framework of the field of statistics is the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP). The quality criteria of Official Statistics of Finland are compatible with the European Statistics Code of Practice.
Further information: Quality management | Statistics Finland (
R&D funding in the state budget represents official statistics. The Official Statistics of Finland (OSF) is a comprehensive collection of statistics describing the development and state of society. It comprises nearly 300 sets of statistics on 26 different topics. The producers of Official Statistics of Finland have approved a common quality assurance in which they commit to common quality criteria and quality assurance measures. The quality criteria of Official Statistics of Finland are compatible with the European Statistics Code of Practice. The good practices followed in the statistics are presented in Statistics Finland’s Quality Guidelines for Official Statistics handbook.
User access
Further information: Publication principles for statistics
Unless otherwise separately stated in connection with the product, data or service concerned, Statistics Finland is the producer of the data and the owner of the copyright. The terms of use for statistical data.