Quarterly inquiry on financial assets and liabilities (BOPQ)

The inquiry collects data on financial assets and liabilities (intra-group and non-group) of Finnish enterprises and entities at the quarterly level. The data are collected from the largest enterprises and entities operating in Finland, which have significant foreign or domestic
financial assets and liabilities.

The collected data are used for the compilation of statistics on balance of payments and international investment position and statistics on foreign direct investments. In addition, the data are utilised in compiling National Accounts.

Respond to the inquiry

Please answer by 19.7.2024!

Every response improves the reliability of the data we collect. This way we ensure that the inquiry results and compiled statistics are of high quality and give a correct picture of the studied subject.

This is how to respond

Instructions for responding

Respond online

Your enterprise has received a user ID and password for the inquiry by letter. Take the identifiers and press the Start responding button above. Alternatively, you can log in using the Suomi.fi service. For further information, see the Identification section.

If your enterprise has received an email from us, you can follow the instructions there. You can view the questions by means of the instructions for responding available in the help file. More detailed instructions for responding are given on the web form.

You can supplement and change the data you have reported on the form later. 


Letters sent to respondents

We have sent the respondents a letter when the inquiry started. Have a look at the letter!

Do you need help?

Assistance with responding
Inquiries about data content

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What are the data used for?
How does our enterprise benefit from participating in the inquiry?

Future due dates

This inquiry is repeated at regular intervals.

Quarterly inquiry on financial assets and liabilities (BOPQ)

Due date for response:

Quarterly inquiry on financial assets and liabilities (BOPQ)

Due date for response:

Data protection, rights and obligations

All data collected for statistical purposes are confidential. When processing data, it is seen to that no person's privacy or business or professional secret are endangered. Every person employed by Statistics Finland has signed a pledge of secrecy.

Data protection
Exemption from the obligation to provide data