Gender Equality Barometer

Finland follows the development of gender equality with the Gender Equality Barometer conducted every three to five years. It examines the experiences that people of different sexes and ages have of gender equality and its realisation in different areas of life, such as in working life, studies and family circle.

Statistics Finland carries out the survey on assignment of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. The results will lend support to the development of gender equality policy, and they will be utilised by researchers and experts in various fields as well as by political decision-makers.

Respond to the inquiry

This inquiry is closed.

If you have been selected to participate in the telephone survey, you will be contacted by Statistics Finland's interviewer.

If you have been selected to participate in the online survey, you can log in to the form with the username and password sent to you by post. To get started, click on the Start responding button below.

There is no need to prepare in advance to respond.

This is how to respond

Why have I been selected for the survey?

A group of people of different ages living in different areas in Finland have been selected for the survey. You have been selected to represent people of your age living in your area. ⁠The selection has been made with statistical methods. The responses provide reliable statistical data on people living in Finland and their life situations.

Can someone else answer on my behalf?
I do not want to participate because I am afraid that you will hand over my information to the tax authority or other authorities
Who can view my data?
From where has Statistics Finland obtained my contact information?

Letters sent to respondents

We have sent the respondents a letter when the inquiry started. Have a look at the letter!

Do you need help?

Inquiries about data content

Data protection, rights and obligations

All data collected for statistical purposes are confidential. When processing data, it is seen to that no person's privacy or business or professional secret are endangered. Every person employed by Statistics Finland has signed a pledge of secrecy.

Data protection