Municipality-based statistical units

Municipality-based statistical units are municipalities, sub-regional units, regions, major regions, Regional State Administrative Agencies (AVI), Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY), wellbeing services counties and electoral districts. Maintenance of working areas was discontinued on 31 December 2023.

Municipality-based statistical units correspond to the regional divisions used in the statistics of the statistical reference year concerned.

A more detailed description of the data can be found in Paikkatietohakemisto (the geographic data index).

Map view

A map from Paikkatietoikkuna containing all municipality-based statistical areas. By default, only municipalities are shown. Other regional divisions can be retrieved from the map level menu.


User instructions for maps

Click the layerlist logo above to view the map layers.
Move the map to where you want it by dragging the map.
Zoom in and zoom out to the desired scale level step by step by clicking the (+) and (-) signs.
Objects on the map often contain additional information hidden behind them. Click an object to view information about that object.
Update the map to a previous view by clicking the right mouse button and the update function.

Interface service addresses

Use these addresses to access the interface services in the GIS software:

National data:                  

  • WMS services:   
  • WFS services:


  • WMS services:
  • OGC API - Features services: