News 20 Jan 2025
Finland prepared its first Biennial Transparency Report to the Paris Agreement
Finland has prepared its first Biennial Transparency Report concerning its climate actions and greenhouse gas emissions to the Paris Agreement. Finland's Biennial Transparency Report was submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat on 19 December 2024.
Statistics Finland coordinated the preparatory work of the report in Finland.
Finland's report is part of global reporting. By the end of December, a total of 86 countries had submitted their reports to the UN.
The key element of the Biennial Transparency Report of the Paris Agreement describes the progress towards the nationally determined contribution (NDC). The EU and its Member States have a shared nationally determined contribution: the countries are committed to reducing their emissions by at least 55 per cent in their combined net emissions by 2030.
In connection with this objective, each Member State and the EU as a whole present in their Biennial Transparency Reports their climate policy and related strategies, programmes and policy measures to reduce emissions and increase removals. The reports also examine future emission scenarios.
The monitoring section of the NDC of the Biennial Transparency Report also contains descriptions of the development of emissions and removals by sector in Finland. Statistics Finland's statistics were extensively utilised in describing national circumstances.
Another essential part of the Biennial Transparency Report is the national Greenhouse Gas Inventory as a separate inventory report and as a table package. According to the guidelines, the inventory covers the years 1990 to 2022, so it does not contain preliminary data for 2023. The greenhouse gas inventory data are used to monitor the EU's emission reduction target as part of the EU's greenhouse gas inventory.
The third section describes the effects of climate change in Finland. Apart from the vulnerabilities and risks associated with the effects, the agenda also includes the strategies, plans and measures for adapting to the changing climate.
The fourth section describes Finland's support to developing countries in climate change mitigation and adaptation in 2021 to 2022.
In addition to the inventory table package, the Biennial Transparency Report also includes table packages on monitoring the target and on supporting developing countries.
The Biennial Transparency Report was prepared by an editorial group composed of representatives from various ministries and expert organisations. The work of the editorial group was supplemented by a large number of experts.
The first Biennial Transparency Reports of the Paris Agreement are available at transparency reports.
A summary of the reporting status of the parties to the agreement is available at