National economy

Finland in Figures is an information package about Finland and Finns. 

On this page

Annual change in the volume of gross domestic product, 1976–2023*

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* preliminary data

Gross domestic product at market prices

Year At current prices  Volume series,
reference year 2023
Annual change
in volume, %
€ billion €/inh. € billion


39 255 256,8 2,3
2017 224,7 40 795 265,3 3,1
2018 231,9 42 041 268,5 1,0
2019 238,5 43 197 272,1 1,3
2020 236,4 42 741 265,3 -2,7
2021 248,8 44 891 272,6 2,5
2022* 266,1 47 891 276,5 1,2
2023* 273,3

49 005

273,3 -1,5

* preliminary data

Gross domestic product per capita, 1975–2023*

Volume series, reference year 2015

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* preliminary data

Current account, 1975–2023*

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* preliminary data

National balance of supply and demand

Total supply and demand of goods and services in national accounts

  2021 2022* 2023* 2023*
At current prices,
€ billion
Annual change
in volume, %
Gross domestic product 248,8 266,1 273,3 1,3
Imports 99,2 127,8 116,2 8,4
Total supply 347,9 394,0 389,5 .
Exports 99,3 122,7 117,0 3,6
Consumption expenditure, total 187,0 199,0 211,8 0,9
Government 61,7 64,3 70,4 1,8
Private 125,3 134,7 141,3 -1,0
Gross fixed capital formation, total 60,7 66,3 63,3 2,5
Government 10,5 11,0 11,1 2,7
Private 50,2 55,3 52,2 1,3
Changes in inventories, acquisition of valuables 0,9 7,0 -0,9 . .
Total demand 347.9 395,0 391,1 . .
Statistical discrepancy 0,0 -1,0 -1,6 . .

* preliminary data

Structural change of the economy, 1975–2023*

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* preliminary data

Households’ indebtedness ratio and savings ratio, 1975–2023*

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* preliminary data

Gross domestic product per capita by region, 2022

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General government deficit/surplus and debt, 1975-2023*

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* preliminary data

Annual change of labour productivity, 1976–2023*

Gross value added per hour worked

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* preliminary data

Structure of taxation

Incl. general government and the institutions of the EU

  2021 2022 2023 2023
At current prices, € million %
Taxes on income, profits and capital gains 39 115 42 660 42 568 36,5
Social security contributions 30 186 31 954 33 757 29,0
Taxes on property 3 788 3 864 3 854 3,3
Taxes on goods and services 34 912 36 713 36 052 30,9
Other taxes 313 384 295 0,3
Total 108 314 115 575 116 526 100
Ratio to GDP, % 43,5 43,4 42,6  

General government consolidated expenditure by function

Excluding property expenditure, income transfers and capital transfers between general government

  2020 2021 2022* 2022*
At current prices,  € billion Ratio to GDP, %
Total 136,1 139,9 143,1 53,3
General public services 20,0 20,4 20,8 7,7
Defence 3,3 3,0 3,5 1,3
Public order and safety 2,8 2,9 3,1 1,1
Economic affairs 12,4 12,7 12,4 4,6
Environmental protection 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,2
Housing and community amenities 0,8 1,0 1,1 0,4
Health 18,2 19,4 19,9 7,4
Recreation, culture and religion 3,6 3,7 3,7 1,4
Education 13,9 14,3 14,9 5,5
Social protection 60,7 62,0 63,1 23,5

* preliminary data

Central government debt

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Main topic: National economy


More statistical figures in the StatFin database

Finland in Figures only includes the key figures on Finland and Finns. You can find more figures on various sectors of society in the easy-to-use StatFin database.

The database also provides regional data, such as the population of municipalities.

Last updated 18 Dec 2024