Housing and construction

Finland in Figures is an information package about Finland and Finns. 

On this page

Buildings and free-time residences

Building type 2005 2010 2020 2023
One-dwelling and two-dwelling houses 1 066 220 1 113 020 1 169 903 1 168 379
Terraced houses 72 620 77 015 84 022 85 192
Blocks of flats 56 195 58 669 65 479 67 069
Other buildings 185 760 197 392 217 246 219 554
Total 1 380 795 1 446 096 1 536 650 1 540 194
Free-time residences 1) 474 277 489 232 508 289 503 750
Saunas in flats 2) 1 366 414 1 501 567 1 719 650 1 768 078

1) Since 2020 incl. rental holiday cottages, excl. detached houses in leisure-time use
2) The total number of saunas was estimated to be over 2,4 million at the end of 2023

Permanently occupied dwellings

A household-dwelling unit consists of all persons occupying the same dwelling on a permanent basis

  2010 2020 2022 2023
Household-dwelling units, total 2 537 197 2 766 679 2 816 206 2 844 883
Type of building % % % %
One-dwelling and two-dwelling houses 40,4 38,2 37,6 37,3
Terraced houses 13,9 13,5 13,4 13,3
Blocks of flats 43,7 46,8 47,4 47,9
Other buildings 2,0 1,5 1,5 1,5
Total 100 100 100 100
Tenure status % % % %
Owner-occupied dwellings 65,5 62,3 61,4 61,3
Rented dwellings 30,4 34,4 35,4 35,9
Right of occupancy dwellings 1,3 1,8 1,9 1,9
Other form of tenure or unknown 2,7 1,5 1,3 1,0
Total 100 100 100 100
Occupancy rate of dwellings
Floor area per household-dwelling unit, m2



80,6 80,6
Floor area per person, m2 39,1 41,3 41,7 41,7
Persons in overcrowded household-dwelling units 1), % 17,9 16,1 15,7 15,8

1) More than one person per room, excl. kitchen

Household-dwelling units by size and type of building, 2023

A household-dwelling unit consists of all persons occupying the same dwelling on a permanent basis

Size of household­dwelling unit Total % One-dwelling and two-dwelling houses Terraced houses Blocks of flats Other buildings
1 person 1 327 777 46,7 262 276 176 649 861 478 27 374
2 persons 907 218 31,9 430 899 120 220 346 573 9526
3 persons 278 068 9,8 148 246 41 017 86 083 2 722
4+ persons 331 820 11,7 218 899 40 806 69 228 2 887
Total 2 844 883 100 1 060 320 378 692 1 363 362 42 509

Completed buildings and dwellings

Completed buildings 2000 2010 2020 2023
Mil. m3
Total 39,07 35,37 37,51 39,12
Residential buildings 13,57 11,12 12,49 12,67
Commercial and office buildings 6,20 5,56 4,85 3,83
Industrial buildings and warehouses 8,17 7,49 9,42 13,80
Other buildings 11,13 11,21 10,75 8,83
Completed dwellings 2000 2010 2020 2023
Total 35 366 25 491 39 037 41 043
Detached and semi-detached houses 18 174 13 647 10 308 8 849
Blocks of flats 16 772 11 140 28 062 31 765
Residential buildings for communities 18 213 - 45
Dwellings for special groups - 85 163 287
Other than residential buildings 402 406 504 97

Completed dwellings

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1) Residential buildings for communities and dwellings for special groups

Dwellings by year of construction, 2023

Volume index of newbuilding 2015 = 100

New buildings, building expansions and alterations comparable to rebuilding

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Building cost index by type of cost 
2000 = 100

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Prices of dwellings in blocks of flats

Year Old dwellings New dwellings
Greater Helsinki Rest of Finland Greater Helsinki Rest of Finland
Unencumbered average prices, €/m2
2015 3 965 1 800 5 111 3 452
2016 4 061 1 817 5 168 3 733
2017 4 249 1 844 5 206 3 859
2018 4 404 1 856 5 450 3 997
2019 4 566 1 871 5 873 4 073
2020 4 851 1 933 6 262 4 238
2021 5 144 2 003 6 441 4 376
2022 5 184 2 043 6 418

4 478

2023 4 804 1 946 6 491 4 433
2024 *4 631 *1 939 6 459 4 410

* preliminary data

Real price index of old dwellings in blocks of flats, 1983 = 100

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* preliminary data

Real estate prices

Year Old one-dwelling houses One-dwelling house plots
Index Real price
Index Real price
€/m2 2015 = 100 2015 = 100 €/m2 2015 = 100 2015 = 100
2015 1 541 100,0 100,0 18,6 100,0 100,0
2016 1 549 100,1 99,8 21,2 98,1 97,8
2017 1 560 98,8 97,7 22,7 97,9 96,9
2018 1 545 96,9 95,0 23,5 103,2 101,1
2019 1 588 96,0 92,9 22,4 100,0 96,9
2020 1 630 97,4 94,0 23,1 107,6 103,9
2021 1 752 103,5 97,8 24,7 115,9 109,6
2022 1 716 103,6 91,4 25,9 121,1 106,9
2023 1 572 95,4 79,3 22,5 113,9 94,6

Average rents of rented dwellings

Year Non-subsidised dwellings  Government-subsidised
dwellings 1)
Greater Helsinki Rest of Finland Greater Helsinki Rest of Finland
€/m2/month €/m2/month €/m2/month €/m2/month
2015 16,87 11,22 12,19 10,39
2016 17,49 11,51 12,42 10,51
2017 18,39 12,29 12,74 10,72
2018 18,78 12,58 12,98 10,80
2019 19,29 12,85 13,10 10,92
2020 20,12 12,99 13,29 11,05
2021 20,28 13,05 13,41 11,13
2022 20,55 13,54 13,55 11,27
2023 20,83 13,93 13,87 11,62
2024 21,02 14,36 14,59 12,05

1) Dwellings produced with government ARAVA loans

Main topic: Housing and construction


More statistical figures in the StatFin database

Finland in Figures only includes the key figures on Finland and Finns. You can find more figures on various sectors of society in the easy-to-use StatFin database.

The database also provides regional data, such as the population of municipalities.

Last updated 10 Feb 2025