Housing and constructionNational economy

Building and dwelling production

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
Statistics on building and dwelling production describe the volume of construction subject to building permits from the view of the end product. The volume index of newbuilding describes changes in value at constant prices of newbuilding compared with the base year of the index. The data are collected from various registers and published monthly.


Statistics Finland

Key figures

Annual change of volume of newbuilding

May 2024
Building and dwelling production
Updated: 23/07/2024

Future releases


See key statistical data in the figures.

Volume index of newbuilding 2015=100, 2001M01-2024M05

Granted building permits, building starts and completions by regions 2001M01-2024M05

Granted building permits, building starts and completions by building type 2001M01-2024M05

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Tiia Wallin
Senior Statistician
029 551 3875
Other experts

Referencing instructions

Referencing instructions

The statistical data released before 5.4.2022 can be found on the archive pages of the statistics.

Go to the archive page