Housing and constructionPrices and consumption

Building cost index

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
The building cost index describes relative changes in building costs and construction works of buildings of essentially similar properties using the price development of basic inputs used in building. Data are collected with an inquiry and from Statistics Finland’s various data and published monthly.


Statistics Finland

Key figures

Annual change of the building cost index

June 2024
Building cost index
Updated: 15/07/2024


release | Building cost index 2024, June
release | Building cost index 2024, May
release | Building cost index 2024, April
release | Building cost index 2024, March
release | Building cost index 2024, February
release | Building cost index 2024, January

Future releases


See key statistical data in the figures.

Building cost index (2000=100) by cost item in 2000M01 to 2024M06

Sub-indices of the building cost index (2000=100) in 2000M01 to 2024M06


See key statistical data in the tables.

Building Cost Index by input heading 2021=100

Building cost indices, total index by base year

Residential building

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Veli Kettunen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3933
International comparison data

Referencing instructions

Referencing instructions

The statistical data released before 5.4.2022 can be found on the archive pages of the statistics.

Go to the archive page