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- Take a look at the latest data by postal code area
Take a look at the latest data by postal code area
NewsThe data of our service by postal code area have again been updated according to the latest regional division.
Our service Paavo – statistical data by postal code area contains data on different areas concerning population structure, level of education, income of inhabitants and households, size and life stage of households, buildings and dwellings, workplaces, and main activities of inhabitants. The service is free of charge for users.
The Paavo service contains diverse statistical data and map data by postal code area. The data are available as a database and downloadable through the interface service. The data can be used for decision-making or for learning more about one's area of residence.
Statistical data for 2023 on all topics have been updated in the service. The service contains time series for statistical data starting from 2010. The postal code classification has been updated to correspond to the postal code areas of 2025.
As an example of data by postal code area, changes in the numbers of households with school-age children in 2010 to 2023 were selected for the chart. The chart shows that for example, Kallio in Helsinki now also attracts more and more families with children. There are plenty of other interesting things to explore in the Paavo service.
Figure 1. Percentage growth of households with school-age children in 2010 to 2023
Source: Statistics Finland
Chart 1 corrected on 17 February 2025: Previously, the chart contained the correct
postal code areas in the correct order, but the growth percentages were erroneous.
Further information:
Elina-Maria Kekkonen, tel. +358 29 551 3229