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Impartiality and reliability are Statistics Finland's assets


According to a customer survey made by Taloustutkimus, data users consider Statistics Finland's data impartial and reliable. Data are also seen as describing important phenomena. All in all, the respondents gave the school grade 8.6 for Statistics Finland's activity. This is so far the highest grade received by Statistics Finland from the customer survey made every other year.

Users' responses express wishes to get increasingly up-to-date statistical data and more regional data as well. In addition, the respondents would like Statistics Finland to communicate about its activity and take more part in social discussion through statistics than at present.

“Statistics Finland's experts work for reliable data, so the feedback received from customers delights us. We aim to highlight in an interesting way those data from among the vast supply of information that are needed by different user groups and to encourage experts and our managers to communicate actively about Statistics Finland's activity and services,” says Statistics Finland's Director of Communications Hanna Ikäheimo.

Taloustutkimus conducted the customer survey as a web panel and good 400 users  of Statistics Finland’s data responded to it.

Reputation survey: services and responsible mode of operating as strengths

The Reputation&Trust Survey also indicates that in the eyes of the general public, Statistics Finland's reputation is on a good level. The overall grade rose slightly from the previous year and was now 3.62 on the five-step scale. Among all public administration organisations, Statistics Finland came in the 16th place.

The majority of respondents know Statistics Finland. A majority of respondents are either positive or very positive about Statistics Finland's activity. 

“The survey results show that the general public is happy to hear Statistics Finland's views and trusts them. Reliable data are one of the fundamental aspects of a democratic society that we want to advance through our work,” says Ikäheimo.

According to the survey, Statistics Finland's strengths include the services it offers to society, as well as administration and a responsible mode of operating. Possible areas for developing reputation were identified in management, innovations and interaction.

In the Reputation&Trust Survey for public administration conducted by T-Media, a total of around 970 respondents evaluated awareness of Statistics Finland. Good 200 respondents of them assessed Statistics Finland in more detail. 

Further information: 
Director of Communications Hanna Ikäheimo tel. +358 29 551 3025  (Reputation&Trust Survey) 
Head of Development Satu Elho tel. +358 29 551 2994  (customer survey)