Transport and tourism

A total of 5,503 new passenger cars were registered in July 2022

release | First registrations of motor vehicles 2022, July

According to Statistics Finland, a total of 5,503 new passenger cars were registered in July 2022, which was 26 % fewer than one year earlier. In all, 10,317 new vehicles were registered in July. First registrations decreased by 24 % from the corresponding month of the previous year. The component shortage in the motor industry causes delays in the production of new cars.

Key selections

  • In July 2022, a total of 5,503 new passenger cars were registered, which was 26 % fewer than one year earlier.
  • Of first-time registered passenger cars, 16 % were electric. The number of their registrations was 862, or 15 % higher than one year earlier.
  • Used imported passenger cars numbered 3,906, which was 7 % fewer than one year earlier.


See key statistical data in the tables.

First registrations of passenger cars by driving power and region

Database tables

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Updated database tables
Classifications used:
  • Vehicle class
  • Driving power
  • Purpose of use
  • Possessor
  • Region
Classifications used:
  • Vehicle class
  • Region
Classifications used:
  • Vehicle class
  • Region

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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Sami Lahtinen
Senior Statistician
029 551 3207
Other experts
Head of Department in charge