Transport and tourism

First registrations of motor vehicles

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF)
The statistics on first registrations of motor vehicles compile data on vehicles in road traffic subject to registration in Mainland Finland (annual data also include Åland). The data derive from the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency's register and are published monthly.


Statistics Finland


release | First registrations of motor vehicles 2024, June
release | First registrations of motor vehicles 2024, May
release | First registrations of motor vehicles 2024, April
release | First registrations of motor vehicles 2024, March
release | First registrations of motor vehicles 2024, February
release | First registrations of motor vehicles 2023

Future releases


See key statistical data in the figures.

Motive power shares of first registered cars by vehicle category in 2017 to 2023


See key statistical data in the tables.

Imported used cars by import country 2018-2023

Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily
Nico Maunula
Senior Statistician
029 551 3526
Other experts

Referencing instructions

Referencing instructions

The statistical data released before 5.4.2022 can be found on the archive pages of the statistics.

Go to the archive page