Mass media market returned to the pre-pandemic level in 2021

release | Mass media statistics 2021

The value of the mass media market was about EUR 3.8 billion in 2021. Compared to the year before, the value of the market grew by 4.9 per cent or EUR 178 million. The data are based on the calculations of Statistics Finland's mass media and cultural statistics.

Key selections

  • The value of the mass media market was about EUR 3.8 billion in 2021.
  • The value of the mass media market returned to the pre-Covid level.
  • The publishing industry as a whole (incl. newspapers, magazines, books, also electronic publications) grew from the previous year but did not reach the pre-pandemic level.
  • Television, radio, online advertising and influencer marketing increased from the year before.
  • The audio recording sales, which continued to be lively, were the bright spot of the recording market (incl. audio recordings, video recordings, cinemas).

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  • Mass media
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Referencing instructions

Mass media statistics [online publication].
Reference period: 2021. ISSN=2323-6345. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [Referenced: 26.3.2025].
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Statistical experts

Inquiries primarily

Kaisa Saarenmaa
Senior Statistician
029 551 3517

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Hannele Orjala
Head of Department in charge
029 551 3582